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Music Education Hub - workforce survey 2024

    • For our Music Education Hub grant we are required to provide data to the Arts Council about our workforce and trustees involved in hub work on 31 March 2024.
    • The data collected below will be used by the Arts Council to inform their policy and programme development, their reporting and advocacy work and to provide an understanding of the size and nature of the Severn Arts staff supported by the MEH grant.
    • All responses will be anonymous.
    • Individual information will not be made public, only stats collated by region or at a national level will be used.
    • For us to complete our Arts Council return within the specified timeline please respond to the questions below and submit your responses by no later than Tuesday 30 April 2024 – thank you!
  • Your role with Severn Arts

  • Sex

  • Sexual orientation

  • Gender identity

  • Age

  • Ethnicity

  • Disability and impairment

  • Neurodivergence

  • Socio-economic background

  • Please refer to our Examples of Occupations document if needed.
  • Please refer to our Examples of Occupations document if needed.
  • Thank you for completing the survey.