Severn Arts Spain Tour 2025 Severn Arts are excited to invite you to join us on a concert tour to Palencia, Spain from 27 July-3 August 2025. Total cost is £875 per participant. The tour is open to all youth orchestra & band participants (WYO, WYJO, WYCB, WYCO). Please complete the application form below to secure your child's place on the tour. By completing this form, you agree to pay the non-refundable deposit of £200. Participant InformationStudent Name* First Last Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Group attended* WYO WYCB WYJO WYCO Hereford 2023-2024 ex-member Instrument/s* Parent/Carers InformationThis information will be used for correspondence leading up to the tour and as an emergency contact during the trip. Name* First Last Email* Phone Number*This number will be held as an emergency contact. Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City County / State / Region ZIP / Postal Code Medical Details*This section must be completed by a parent or guardian. Please give any details of medical conditions the participant has, including both physical and mental health.Does the participant have any access requirements to enable them to participate in the tour?Please give details of any dietary requirements Filming and Photography Consent*We may wish to take photographs or film your child, to be used by Severn Arts for publicity online and on social media. My child may be filmed and photographed. My child may not be filmed and photographed. Terms & ConditionsPlease confirm that you agree to the following I will ensure that my child has a valid passport (with at least 6 months remaining validity on the due date of the trip return) and understand that I am responsible for arranging any required visas or other documentation that they may require to enter France and Spain. I understand that once the initial non-refundable deposit has been paid that this forms a contract between myself and Severn Arts and that I must pay the remaining balance of £675 by 1 April 2025. I understand that I am responsible for and will arrange suitable travel insurance for my child I understand that I am responsible for arranging instrument insurance (if required) Approval and paymentSpain Tour DepositDeposit for Spain Tour is £200The non-refundable (unless tour is cancelled) deposit is £200. By paying this deposit, you agree to pay the remaining balance of £675 by 1 April 2025. Please pay using Mastercard or Visa. On selecting the 'Submit' button below, you will be taken to the Stripe payment page.Total £ 0.00