Young Poet Laureate 2025 – Submission Form for Individuals "*" indicates required fields To be completed by a parent/carerThank you for your interest in entering Worcestershire’s Young Poet Laureate competition. The theme this year is courage. Please complete this form and follow the instructions below to upload the poem you wish to submit. Applicants will need to submit one poem each. The deadline for submissions is 5pm on 28 March 2025. Young person's detailsName* First name Last name Date of birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY School*Please select age group* School years 6, 7 and 8 School years 9, 10 and 11 School years 12 and 13 Parent/carer detailsName* TitleDrMissMrMrsMsProf.Rev. Title First name Last name Relationship to young person*Address* Street address Address line 2 City County Postcode Telephone number*Email address* Poem submission detailsPlease submit one poem on the theme of courage. We will accept the following formats: Word document PDF Photo (.jpeg or .png) Audio (.mp3 or .wav) Video (.mp4) We welcome audio and video submissions for accessibility. Please note they will be judged on the words and not on the performance, so you must make sure your poem can be clearly understood. If you are submitting a video please note that you are giving permission to share this with our judging panel. It will not be shared publicly. Please rename your file to your name and the title of the poem before uploading. Thank you. Title of poem*Please upload your poem* Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 50 MB. All shortlisted applicants will be invited to perform two poems at the Young Poet Laureate final. This would include your shortlisted poem, as well as a second poem which could be something that you have already written and be about anything you like. Terms and conditionsPlease tick the box to confirm that you have read the terms and conditions below* I confirm The applicant needs to live in Worcestershire or attend a school, college or youth club in Worcestershire The applicant needs to be in school years 6 – 13 The poem will need to have been written by the applicant and the applicant only If the applicant is shortlisted to take part in the final, they need to be available on Sunday 27 April 2025. Finalists will be asked to perform two poems at the Young Poet Laureate final. This will include their shortlisted poem, as well as a second poem which could be something they have already written and be about anything they like. Finalists will be expected to read their poems out loud or nominate someone to do it on their behalf. Finalists will be encouraged to attend an online performance workshop on Saturday 26 April 2025. For this online event, under 16s, will need an adult to be present during the whole event. Over 16s are welcome to have an adult in attendance if they wish. Parent/carer agreementConsent to take part* I agree for my child to enter Worcestershire’s Young Poet Laureate competitionConsent to publish*We will be producing an anthology of poems and whilst we can’t guarantee to publish your entry, please let us know if you give us permission to publish your child’s poems. Yes No Publish name*Do you give us permission to publish your child’s name alongside their poem? Yes No Your privacyThe information you enter into this form will be collected and stored by Severn Arts. Please tick the tick box below to confirm you understand.* I understand We will always store your personal details securely. We’ll use them to provide the service that you have requested, and communicate with you in the way(s) that you have agreed to. You can change your mind at any time by contacting us at [email protected] / by clicking the unsubscribe link in the Mailchimp emails you receive from us. Your data may also be used for analysis purposes, to help us provide the best service possible. For full details see our Privacy Policy. By clicking ‘Yes’ below to subscribe to our updates you agree that we may use your information in accordance with these terms.Consent I agree to the privacy policyKeeping in touch*We’d love to keep you posted with our news, events and activities. Would you like to receive updates from us? Yes No I am particularly interested in: Music Arts & festivals Cultural education updates for young people Receiving the Arts Newsletter for practitioners