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Young Sounds UK - Connect Lead Form

"*" indicates required fields

To be completed by school lead contact.

For more information contact Rachel Davies, Severn Arts Connect Project Manager - [email protected]

Connect Overview

Young person's details


School details

School lead contact*
School lead declaration*
I confirm that I am happy to be contacted by Severn Arts in relation to this programme.

Financial eligibility

Please to the best of your knowledge confirm if this young person’s gross family income is at or under the Department of Education Dance and Music Scheme threshold. Please refer to the Connect programme overview at the top of this form for more information on financial eligibility.
Please confirm that this young person is currently in a position whereby neither their parent/carer nor their school is able to fund them to continue to play – i.e. they would have to cease lessons without external funding from another source.

Parent/carer details

School lead declaration*
I can confirm that this student’s parent/carer is aware that they have been nominated for involvement in Connect and are happy to be contacted by Severn Arts in relation to this programme.